Monday, November 25, 2019


In-House Training All of our training courses are available direct to you at your location… find out how we can align them with your requirements. Following a successful two stage audit, a certification decision is made and if positive, then certification to the required standard is issued by NQA. The proven method of reducing risk, maintaining a culture of safety and improving productivity. Information Security Management Training Develop your skills to implement and audit your information security management system to minimize your organization's risk. In the UK we partner with EcoCampus. What is a gap analysis? Regular updates on standards, events and best practice for quality, aerospace, safety, energy and environmental practitioners. as6081

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Please note that you must be able to demonstrate that your management system has been fully operational for a minimum of three months and has been subject zs6081 a management review and full cycle of internal audits. Reduced operating costs Continual improvement of processes and resulting operational efficiencies mean money saved.

Are you a consultant wanting to join our ACR? Consultant area Are you a consultant wanting to join our ACR? Environmental Management System As0681 proven way to improve ws6081 impacts, energy efficiency and sustainability. Certification is recognized internationally and accepted throughout industry supply chains, setting industry benchmarks for sourcing suppliers. Customer satisfaction Deliver products that consistently meet customer requirements and a service that is dependable and can be relied on.

Ability to win more business Procurement specifications often require certification as a condition to supply, so certification opens doors. Sectors Automotive We are one of the leading automotive sector certification bodies for IATF in China and have global experience across the automotive supply chain.

AS Certification - What Is the AS Standard?

Independent verification against a globally recognized industry standard speaks volumes. Gain knowledge on how an energy management system can improve energy efficiency, reduce costs and ensure compliance. Certification process What is a gap analysis? We are always looking for talented people to join our team.


If your company is selling directly or indirectly to the U. Our Accreditations We believe in the integrity of standards and rigor of the certification process. Improved stakeholder relationships Improve the perception of your organization with staff, customers and suppliers. AS certification is for distributors and requires that the quality system be certified to the requirements of an internationally recognized standard such as ISO Certification audits should help to improve your organization as well as meet the requirements of your chosen standard.

Avoidance of Counterfeits AS6081

Adhering to this strict standard is also advantageous for electronic components intended for commercial or industrial use, because AScompliant testing is considered one of the best ways to weed out substandard parts that could affect product or system performance. All of our training courses are available direct to you at your location… find out how we can align them with your requirements. That's why it's our policy to achieve accreditation for our services wherever possible.

Following a successful two stage audit, a certification decision is made and if positive, then certification to the required standard is issued by NQA.

You can do this by completing either the online quick quote or the online formal quote as60811 form. Improve the perception of your organization with staff, customers and suppliers.


Resources Blog Regular updates on standards, events and best practice for quality, aerospace, safety, energy and environmental practitioners. Demonstrate best practice across the industry with IATF certification.

Counterfeits AS | ANAB Accreditation

You will receive both a hard and soft copy of the certificate. What Do We Do?

Home Certification Standards AS Information Resilience and Risk Management We work with many large and small organizations to ensure that information is managed through a risk based approach management system.

Download certification logos Who as681 we? Why is AS adherence important?


We will use this information to accurately define your scope of assessment and provide you with a proposal for certification. The proven way to improve environmental impacts, energy as60081 and sustainability. Proven business credentials Independent verification against a globally recognized industry standard speaks volumes. Ready to start your journey?

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